Financial Management Services


The Arc of Northwest Wayne County provides financial management services to help individuals or families pay for and manage their daily supports and services. The financial management services pays for costs incurred by the consumer, based on the individual’s personal plan and budget. Individual budgets are based on the outcomes identified through the Person Centered Planning Process.
The Arc of Northwest Wayne County’s financial management services are directed by the individual and the circle of support, to manage the individual’s Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, wages, etc. which pay for such things as:

  • Personally hired support staff
  • Provider agency support staff
  • Equipment
  • Services (home maintenance, etc.)
  • Housing (rent, mortgages, utilities)
  • Food
  • Insurance
  • Transportation
  • Activities (classes, trips, concerts, plays, movies, etc.)

The financial management services acts as a business agent to be sure that the support system functions to meet the individual’s needs in a way that promotes self-determination.
Services include the management and maintenance of:

  • Individual Budgets and Accounts
  • Financial Files
  • Individualized Payroll Services
  • Records for financial audits
  • All related reports
  • Accounting audit information and reports
  • Communications with individuals about budget funds
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

Before you consider utilizing the services of a financial management service,  you will need to engage in a Person Centered Planning Process and develop a personal plan and budget.

Person Centered Planning Brochure  

An Independent Facilitator is someone, other than staff from the agency providing mental health services, who conducts the Person Centered Plan (PCP) meeting. An Independent Facilitator helps gather the information that will be used for the development of the Individual’s Plan of Service (IPOS). An Independent Facilitator has experience with the Person Centered Planning process, is unbiased, and responsible. After the PCP is implemented the Independent Facilitator will check in with the individual on their progress of taking the action steps written in the Person Centered Plan.

The option to have access to an Independent Facilitator for a Person – Centered Plan is required by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Independent Facilitation Brochure 2016


25 Steps for Estate Planning – Step-by-Step Estate Planning Guide

To make the process as painless as possible and ensure that your wishes are honored after your passing, follow these 25 steps for estate planning.